Celtic Sea Trout Project: Anglers in Ireland claim top prizes

Two Irish anglers, Martin McKenny from the River Dee and Brian McShane from the Castletown River, were the top sea trout samplers for the Celtic Sea Trout Project in 2011. Both anglers, plus several other Irish winners, will be presented … Read more
Celtic Sea Trout Project, Angler Feedback, January 2012

Introduction The Celtic Sea Trout Project (CSTP) is a European Union, Interreg IVA-funded, Ireland-Wales collaborative project on the status, distribution, genetics and ecology of sea trout around the Irish Sea. This note briefly outlines progress in 2011 for the many … Read more
Catching sea trout in the sea

The vast majority of sea trout caught by anglers are taken from rivers by fly, spinning or bait fishing. But we all know that sea trout spend a lot of their time feeding in coastal waters, so in principle it … Read more
Angler sea trout scale samples

CSTP is extremely grateful to all those anglers who have collected sea trout scales from their rod-caught fish in 2011. Hundreds have been returned to the project officers in Ireland and Wales. Anglers or clubs with further samples to return … Read more
Anglers see the results of their efforts

On May 14th 2011 The Environment Agency Wales (Northern Area) held a fishing open day for anglers and the public at the United Utilities, Llyn Brenig Visitor Centre. The EA kindly offered the CSTP a stand there to promote the … Read more