The scale sampling to date has had mixed fortunes, bearing in mind the target of 300 (Fig 1). The participation has been very good with over 1,600 anglers sending in 3974 sets, of which 2,322 came in 2011; so a big THANK YOU for all of those. Some rivers have done particularly well, such as the Border Esk, the Irish Dee, Argideen, Castletown and Currane, and on others some of the shortfall has been made up with other forms of sampling. We will continue the sampling in 2012.
The CSTP is totally reliant upon effective field sampling to collect data and material from fish (tissues, gut contents, gonads scales etc) for the scientific analysis. For example, the genetics and microchemistry analysis, that will tell us about the mixing and distribution of stocks, requires a baseline of measurements to be made in all the principal rivers around the Irish Sea which are likely to contribute to sea trout stocks. River sampling of juvenile trout for the genetics was the focus of the CSTP team’s work in 2010 and was 95% completed in full using a large scale electro-fishing programme, taking samples from around 80 rivers. Some preliminary marine sampling was also carried out.
A general description of the Celtic Sea Trout Project, which includes general background to the project, project development, aims and objectives, fieldwork sampling programme and the Celtic Sea Trout project sponsors.
As an incentive to anglers to participate in the project, the CSTP project partners are offering several valuable tackle voucher prize s, including:
•A £500 (€582) tackle voucher prize to the angler submitting the most scales from our priority rivers in 2011.
•Three £350 (€407) tackle voucher prizes to each of the three 3 anglers who returned the most scales from priority systems in 2011 within each of other three regions: Ireland (inc NI), Scotland and IoM, Wales, or NW England
Manual on Sea Trout Ageing, Digital Scale Reading and Growth Methodology
Produced by the participants of the Celtic Sea Trout Project Workshop on Sea Trout Age Determination and Digital Scale Reading Methodology
This document informs fishermen of the Celtic Sea Trout Programme and asks them for their help in carrying it out. It gives a brief outline of the aims of the programme, the background, the programme content, what help is required, what will the angler receive for thier participation, provisional timetable and contact details.
One of the most important parts of the CSTP programme is the collection of sea trout scale samples from 100 rivers, estuaries, coastal waters and further offshore, over the three years of the project. 20 rivers have been targeted for detailed sampling and this protocol is designed to assist anglers in accurate collection of scales for use in subsequent scientific analysis, e.g. stock structuring and distribution (from genetics and scale micro-chemistry) and features such as age and sex composition, life history, growth and survival.
This document informs fishermen of the Celtic Sea Trout Programme and asks them for their help in carrying it out. It gives a brief outline of the aims of the programme, the background, the programme content, what help is required, what will the angler receive for thier participation, provisional timetable and contact details.